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영어교육모델학교는 창의 인성 교육을 추진하는 것으로 실천방안은


1)정규 영어 수업 중 창의 인성 함양을 위한 말하기 쓰기 과제 수행


2)다양한 학생 자율 영어 동아리 활동 확대


3)영어권 문화 이해 및 우리 문화 소개 기획 확대


4)최대 학생 참여 유도를 위한 영어 관련 대회 개최 등이 있다


운영 방안

(Small - Group Learning)
효율적 영어수업소규모 원어민 회화수업 및 독서수업
소수 기초반 및 기본반(교육력제고 연계) 운영
(Student-Centered Activity)
학습흥미 및 자신감 증대희망 학생이 모두 참여하는 영어교지 제작
학생 주도적 영어 활동 참여
수준별 수업 반편성 시 학생 희망 고려
(Self Checking Reading)
독서력 강화다양한 수준과 내용의 원서 읽기를 통한 독해력 및 사고력 증대
온라인 독후확인 프로그램으로 독서 흥미 증대
교사의 읽기 및 Book Report 지도
(Self Speaking Practice)
자기주도적 실용영어 회화 연습 어학실 기기 활용을 통한 학생 맞춤형 말하기, 쓰기 연습
교사는 학생 개인 연습 확인 및 관리

전용교실 안내


Hello, guys. I’m the chairperson of KIMC – HWANIL, Sangyoung Choi. Fist, KIMC is abbreviated from Korea International Model Congress, simulating the same procedure as the real International congress does. Participants will represent nations, debate about any agenda, and make resolution with all delegates. Our club prepare Model United Nations of Model Congress, so we share each others’ opinions and debate like Model United Nations form with English.


Korea Times 보도 기사 - 3학년 2반 김규찬 학생 기고문

2018-03-27 15:38
Speak through Drawing

Posted : 2018-03-21 08:18

Updated : 2018-03-21 18:11

By Kim Kyu-chan

For a long time I was a quiet, timid boy who always had a hard time making friends at school. Then I discovered a good way to make friends. It was through my drawings, which spoke for me.

Drawing completely changed my social life at school as well as having a positive influenced on my personality. I started participating in school activities I hadn't had the confidence to try before. I became more outgoing and enjoyed the camaraderie of fellow students. It felt great not to be the quiet, timid boy I had been and never liked being. Talking didn't make me friends, but drawing did.

A British graffiti artist, Banksy, also speaks through his artwork. In the dead of night, he decorates the empty walls of places that Londoners used to walk past without even noticing. Bansky changed that by animating those walls, turning them into canvases of creativity. His "One Nation Under CCTV" is my favorite.

You never know where you might see a Banksy in London. But one thing's for sure: You'll never see Banksy himself; for he remains anonymous, never showing his face or explaining his graffiti, which is why the elusive Banksy has become a cult figure.

What with the untimely death of Jean-Michel Basquiat, of a drug overdose, at 26, Banksy is now the premier street artist; first among equals. Unlike Basquiat, who had moved off New York's streets and into its pricy galleries _ one of his paintings recently sold for $110.5 million at a Sotheby's auction while others decorate the Manhattan lofts and brownstones of celebrities like Madonna, John McEnroe, Yoko Ono and the disgraced Bill Cosby _ Banksy has remained a thoroughly anonymous street artist.

Banksy lovers are always scouring London's walls, always on the lookout for an old Banksy that time and the elements have faded. There was, for example, the discovery of a Banksy that had been painted over. Art restorers worked on that one. There have even been legal battles over ownership of Banksys, centering on: Does a painting on a wall belong to the owner of the building it was painted on or not? Unfortunately for London's Banksy cult, some of his early work was removed from the city's walls because "defacing" them was a crime.

While Banksy's artwork looks very simple, there are messages in it criticizing war, famine and corruption. Many people are crazy about his stuff. There is even a London Banksy tour. Why are those people so excited by his simple graffiti, especially since there are many street artists decorating London's walls? What makes Banksy special? Perhaps it's his sly simplicity; for you don't have to be an art collector to appreciate Banksy.

But why does Banksy leave us in the dark about himself? Is it because he wants his art to stand on its own merit without the cult of celebrity intruding? Perhaps the "thoroughly anonymous street artist" is determined to stay that way. Since the streets and walls are Banksy's muse and canvas, not galleries, he can do his own creative thing there anonymously and in the dead of night.

Or maybe Banksy doesn't want to become another Andy Warhol, who, in his later, less productive years, seemed to thrive on his own freakish celebrity as his creativity waned. For there are those art critics who opine that Warhol's collaboration with Basquiat was nothing more than a has-been manipulating a rising star.

There are many ways to express yourself through writing, music the performing arts or speech. But the message of a simple drawing can be more meaningful than a lot of written words or longwinded lectures; for a drawing's message can quickly enter our hearts. A picture of a starving kid, for instance, can make us more empathetic than a long essay about famine, while a picture of an expanse of mountain, its canopy resplendent in autumn's colors, can make a deeper impression than describing this landscape in words. Indeed, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Nowadays, many illustrators, including Banksy, upload there artwork on internet sites like Pinterest, Tumblr or DeviantArt. I usually choose pictures from Pinterest for inspiration or reference, but I like DeviantArt the most. This is because DeviantArt includes feedback on your artwork, which you can cherry pick and use to develop your art further. It's a joy to see artists and critics collaborating to create 'their' work of art.

Once I learned in elementary school that my drawings could speak for me, I started dreaming of being an illustrator whose artwork touched people's hearts and minds. Like Banksy, I want to communicate with as many people as I can through my drawings. So, if it's hard for you to speak with other people, maybe you should find another way to communicate. Try drawing.