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진로체험 게시판

Kirby UN북한인권조사위원장 특강 소감문(10513 송인준)

2017-11-01 13:10

Hwanil Field Trip.                                                                                             10513. 송인준.

Earlier this year, a publicized UN report caught the world’s attention by accusing North Korea of violating basic human rights. The report was made from a UN committee that was lead by Michael Kirby. Mr. Kirby is a former High Court judge from Austrailia, and he now serves as the committee president for the committee of investigating human rights violations in North Korea, and he has been trying to let the world know of all the atrocities occurring in the state ever since. Eariler today, Mr. Kirby visited The Yonsei University to lecture Korean students about what has been going on in DPRK. Thanks to Hwanil High School, my peers and I were able to get a chance to hear Mr. Kirby speak. When we arrived there, we were able to listen to the lecture with other students from different high schools and universities. Mr. Kirby opened up to us with a few light-hearted jokes, and he talked about what the committee did to write the report. He told us that the committee wasn’t able to get an approval from UN to actually enter the country, but he was able to get numerous first-hand accounts from North Korean refugees. He also told us that the committee used both civilian and military satellites to get accurate information. In addition, he told us that the entire report was online, free and accessible for everyone. The lecture seemed complex, but it was all understandable and interesting. After the lecture ended, he gave the students a chance to ask questions about the report. Many people asked questions, but none of the high school students had the courage to ask him a question. Thinking that this was a golden opportunity for me to shine, I raised my hand and asked him on how an ordinary citizen like me can directly help the North Korean people. Mr. Kirby replied by saying that it was a good

question, and he also explained that it was important to participate in elections by voting, thinking of ideas that can help get information about the human rights violations to the North Korean people, etc. Shortly after my question, Mr. Kirby had to leave. However, there was still time for us to get a group photo with him. Once again, I want to thank Hwanil High School for preparing an opportunity that I will never forget. I’m

already looking forward to the next field trip.