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영어교육모델학교는 창의 인성 교육을 추진하는 것으로 실천방안은


1)정규 영어 수업 중 창의 인성 함양을 위한 말하기 쓰기 과제 수행


2)다양한 학생 자율 영어 동아리 활동 확대


3)영어권 문화 이해 및 우리 문화 소개 기획 확대


4)최대 학생 참여 유도를 위한 영어 관련 대회 개최 등이 있다


운영 방안

(Small - Group Learning)
효율적 영어수업소규모 원어민 회화수업 및 독서수업
소수 기초반 및 기본반(교육력제고 연계) 운영
(Student-Centered Activity)
학습흥미 및 자신감 증대희망 학생이 모두 참여하는 영어교지 제작
학생 주도적 영어 활동 참여
수준별 수업 반편성 시 학생 희망 고려
(Self Checking Reading)
독서력 강화다양한 수준과 내용의 원서 읽기를 통한 독해력 및 사고력 증대
온라인 독후확인 프로그램으로 독서 흥미 증대
교사의 읽기 및 Book Report 지도
(Self Speaking Practice)
자기주도적 실용영어 회화 연습 어학실 기기 활용을 통한 학생 맞춤형 말하기, 쓰기 연습
교사는 학생 개인 연습 확인 및 관리

전용교실 안내


Hello, guys. I’m the chairperson of KIMC – HWANIL, Sangyoung Choi. Fist, KIMC is abbreviated from Korea International Model Congress, simulating the same procedure as the real International congress does. Participants will represent nations, debate about any agenda, and make resolution with all delegates. Our club prepare Model United Nations of Model Congress, so we share each others’ opinions and debate like Model United Nations form with English.


Korea Times 보도기사 - 2학년 2반 이형철 학생 기고문

2018-03-23 14:10
Longevity is blessing

By Lee Hyung-chul

People have always wanted to live a long life and have made great efforts in various ways to do so.

Today, thanks to modern medical technology, the average life expectancy of young Koreans is almost 100 years, and it is expected to continue to increase.

There are those who say a longer life expectancy only creates more problems for the elderly, but I truly believe longevity is a blessing.

Longevity offers us more chances to experience various and wondrous events.

If you live to be 100 years old, you would have more meaningful experiences during your life than someone who lives to be 80. You can then share these rich memories of a long life with your grandchildren. When the time comes, you will be both happy and proud to offer advice to them based on the knowledge and wisdom you acquired from your lifetime of experiences.

Today's world offers us a better opportunity to enjoy old age than in the past. It used to be difficult for many elderly people to enjoy any hobby. Now, however, medical technology and improved social programs can help them live longer and enjoy hobbies in their old age.

For example, they can join a singing group or learn how to paint at neighborhood community centers. If they love to read books, it is much easier for them to get them at a public library otherwise they would be doing nothing at home.

What's more, computers and smartphones offer the elderly an amazing opportunity to be part of the future, like young people, rather than to be stuck in the past.

As I said above, you will meet more people the longer you live. This is so vital for a long and happy life. Numerous relationships with various people can sometimes disappoint you, but you can always learn something from them, too.

Thus, the more learning experiences you have, the more mature you will become.

And a variety of relationships not only makes you experienced but also wiser.

This is because wisdom comes from a lifetime of experiences, and why wisdom is often depicted as an old man with white hair and a beard.

It will certainly be a lot harder for you to enjoy your life in old age as much as you did in your youth, but with the help of medical technology and social programs I believe you can also enjoy your second golden years, as well.

Medical technology and social welfare programs keep improving, helping all of us enjoy a better and longer life.

Longevity and a better future are waiting for you.

The writer is a second grader in Hwanil High School who is interested in social studies and wants to study economics at university.