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영어교육모델학교는 창의 인성 교육을 추진하는 것으로 실천방안은


1)정규 영어 수업 중 창의 인성 함양을 위한 말하기 쓰기 과제 수행


2)다양한 학생 자율 영어 동아리 활동 확대


3)영어권 문화 이해 및 우리 문화 소개 기획 확대


4)최대 학생 참여 유도를 위한 영어 관련 대회 개최 등이 있다


운영 방안

(Small - Group Learning)
효율적 영어수업소규모 원어민 회화수업 및 독서수업
소수 기초반 및 기본반(교육력제고 연계) 운영
(Student-Centered Activity)
학습흥미 및 자신감 증대희망 학생이 모두 참여하는 영어교지 제작
학생 주도적 영어 활동 참여
수준별 수업 반편성 시 학생 희망 고려
(Self Checking Reading)
독서력 강화다양한 수준과 내용의 원서 읽기를 통한 독해력 및 사고력 증대
온라인 독후확인 프로그램으로 독서 흥미 증대
교사의 읽기 및 Book Report 지도
(Self Speaking Practice)
자기주도적 실용영어 회화 연습 어학실 기기 활용을 통한 학생 맞춤형 말하기, 쓰기 연습
교사는 학생 개인 연습 확인 및 관리

전용교실 안내


Hello, guys. I’m the chairperson of KIMC – HWANIL, Sangyoung Choi. Fist, KIMC is abbreviated from Korea International Model Congress, simulating the same procedure as the real International congress does. Participants will represent nations, debate about any agenda, and make resolution with all delegates. Our club prepare Model United Nations of Model Congress, so we share each others’ opinions and debate like Model United Nations form with English.


Korea Times 기사 - 3학년 3반 유철웅 학생 기고문

2018-03-23 14:09
Deepening income inequality and social justice

By You Chul-woong

I'm reluctant to read newspapers nowadays because they are full of murder, theft, child abuse and violence every day. All that I read stresses and depresses me. Why are people so cruel, violent and immoral these days?

The ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius said that ordinary people can't have stable morality unless a steady income is ensured. People are becoming more and more immoral because they are having difficulties with their livelihoods. The rich are becoming richer, while the poor are getting poorer.

To illustrate the seriousness of the income inequality problem, I summarized a part of the Global Agenda 2015 of the World Economic Forum.

According to the agenda, economic inequality is a serious problem all over the world. Problems such as political instability, persistent unemployment and violence are related to economic inequality. The inherent danger of ignoring inequality is clear.

People, especially the young who are excluded from the mainstream, feel that they have lost their rights, and they are easily caught up in social conflict. This reduces economic sustainability, weakens social cohesion, and in the end undermines our democracy.

To deal with inequality effectively, countries should embrace an integrated agenda which looks at social, economic and environmental problems. The key aspect of these solutions is a basket of interventions that promotes equitable access to resources and services, as well as inclusive growth with decent jobs and stable living conditions for all people within society.

To enhance the solutions' impact, more transparent data is needed to provide support for those who need the most.

Income inequality is most severe in Asia and the United States. But this problem is so widespread that almost every region suffers from it.

Key solutions include improved education, a fair tax policy, redistribution of wealth, job creation, social welfare programs and workforce development. Applying suitable solutions to each region is important.

We should approach the problem of social injustice in a more fundamental way. The problem of modern economies is that they ignore the pain of the people.

Some scholars and pundits think that it's good as long as the total amount of economic wellbeing is large. It means that even though some people are suffering from pain, it's fair if the total sum of economic wellbeing is at its maximum.

Nowadays inequality is the consequence of this thinking.

What is social justice? I believe that social justice is realized when every member of society has liberty and equality, and is assured of human dignity.

One way to reach social justice is through welfare capitalism.

As Mencius said, people can't have stable morality if they are not assured of a stable income. Welfare capitalism guarantees liberty as well as welfare for a decent living.

This liberty is more complete compared with that of neo-liberalistic capitalism because it is based on human dignity.

Inequality itself is not a bad thing. Inequality is a "difference."

But inequality is justified only when basic income and equality of opportunity are ensured to everyone.

The writer is a senior at Hwanil High School in Seoul and wants to major in philosophy in college.